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Field Stories

We praise and thank God for the many stories of families and communities who are freed from poverty thanks to your generous support and our local partners. These are their stories.

Stories of Transformation

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In a refugee camp, Kwaje struggles daily to feed his children, grappling with his role as a father when he can't provide. See how emergency relief not only renewed their family's food, but also their hope.
Traveling gives us new perspectives, and can cause us to wonder how we fit in to this global landscape. The good news is that God has called each of us to different and unique paths, as explored in this Impact Conference 2024 reflection!
Discover the touching story of Urman Nekere and her family, generations of farmers in Southern Ethiopia. Facing challenges of eroded, unproductive land on sloping hills, they turned to external aid due to chronic hunger.
Returning home to nothing, refugee David rebuilds his life and future with the help of Tearfund’s support in South Sudan, offering his family hope and the means to become self-reliant again.
When Sara discovered she was engaged to a much older man, she made a brave decision to flee. Supported by her church and Tearfund's Trauma Healing Program, Sara continues to trust God with her future, determined to pursue her education and find love on her own terms.
“We wouldn’t have survived without your support,” Am Salama Hamid tells us. Before the recent war in Sudan, Am Salama and her husband were farmers and owned a small restaurant in Fudain, East Darfur. Once war struck, they were suddenly on the run with nothing but their own children.
We couldn’t believe our eyes. So we had to pluck some corn for ourselves. What was once a desolate, dry wasteland now had thriving crops. For three years in a row, the rains in Borena, Ethiopia, had failed. Some women we spoke with said they travelled up to 10km, each day, to collect water. It was the worst drought in a generation. And with it, came severe hunger.
At 32 years old, Jesca just made a return of 170x. Jesca and her husband, David, live in Chinoje village, Tanzania with their four children. Two years ago, they were taught conservation agriculture techniques and Jesca joined a savings group. They learned ways to market their new crops, including tools such as gross margin analysis and price scheduling.
At age 42, Wubitu Gosaye is still blazing new trails. “I was one of the first women in my village to join a savings group. At the time, I couldn’t have imagined the full benefit.”
Looking around there are so many new faces. A tense silence fills the air. A man recalls how he and his family were sound asleep when the rebels came. Amidst the yelling and gunshots, they barely managed to escape with their lives. Now here at Kighali Church in Beni Territory, DR Congo, they are left with nothing.
The accessibility challenges Sinkenesh faced due to her disability set her back, but after some hard work and CCT training, she began to find new hope. With the support, she has found a new hope she never could have imagined.
Amidst the arid and dusty landscape of Muaani Village, Catherina's flourishing garden stands out like an emerald gem. Lush green plants of mangoes, peas, pawpaw, watermelons, sukuma wiki, and spinach fill her kitchen garden, defying the odds of the dry season
Read the inspiring story of Bamani, a dedicated community leader in Tutra Pahad, India, who, with the support of Tearfund and EFICOR, becomes a 'change maker.' Through conservation agriculture, Bamani transforms her village, reducing migration and fostering hope. Discover how empowered local leaders can create lasting changes and thrive in their indigenous land. Find hope and inspiration in this tale of resilience and positive impact.
Experience a tale of resilience and hope as Daniel Arok escapes child marriage in South Sudan. Through Tearfund's trauma healing group and the local church, he finds solace and support on his journey towards a brighter future. Join our mission to empower vulnerable youth like Daniel and create a world free from violence and oppression.
In the Zala Woreda region of Southern Ethiopia, Batale Beyene, a formerly struggling farmer, has transformed her life and that of her family through the support of the local church and Canadian Foodgrains Bank. By adopting new farming techniques, she has increased crop yield, improved food quality, and gained the dignity of self-sufficiency, inspiring hope for a prosperous future.
Tearfund Canada partnered with the local church to provide proper training and experience to farmers who sought help. Kahindo Kiyirembera, a 74-year-old widow, saw amazing results and increased her produce for the market.
Water shortages make farming stressful, Anna said, "the situation was better [years ago] because we received regular rainfall, if it doesn't rain then we can't generate money anywhere else.

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