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New Survey Results:

Young Christians Want Church Action on Creation Care

Conference Update

The world is changing and those living in the poorest countries are being hit the hardest.

The past few years we have been trying to adapt our programming to the ever-changing weather patterns around the world, but we just can’t keep up. There has been a drought in Borena, Ethiopia for the past 3 years, people are digging holes the same height as themselves in fill up a coffee cup of water to survive. These are not humane living conditions.

As we started to learn more about the effects of the erratic and dangerous weather patterns in our partner countries, we knew we needed to go on the offensive or they would only get worse. So, we decided to conduct a survey geared towards young Christians about their beliefs surrounding creation care. We surveyed over 700 young Christians and held focus groups across the country. The results were astounding.

Young Christians see the effects of a changing climate on their lives and those in the poorest countries. Through their reading of Scripture, they see the command to care for creation and want the church to act. (Read the full survey results here).

Over the past three days Tearfund Canada partnered with A Rocha Canada to share the results of a nationwide survey at three conferences across Canada, both in-person and online. Guest speakers came from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Notably, Josephine Munywoki, the Executive Director of our local partner in Kenya, and Andy Harrington, CEO of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, amongst many others across Canada. 

The conference was an excellent time to connect with others who are passionate about caring for the earth and its people, but that’s not all! As a response to the survey results, and conversations with our local partners around the world, we have launched the Creation collective; a network of like-minded Canadian churches and Christian organizations that want to act on creation care. 


Right now, it is mostly a resource bank, but in upcoming months we will be inviting people to participate in a variety of ways both personally and as a collective. We believe that the church is a body where, “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it.” (1 Corinthians 12:26), and the poorest people are suffering. It is time to act now.


To find out more information check out: creationcollective.ca

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