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Financial Integrity

Tearfund Canada’s 2024 T3010 submission to the CRA

Financial breakdown

(fiscal year 2024)

Recognizing that our financial support comes from God, we are committed to wisely using the resources entrusted to us. We hold ourselves accountable for strategically-selected programming, results-based management, and cost-effectiveness.

As a registered charity, our accounts are independently audited and submitted to Norton McMullen annually. 

Our charitable registration number is 10822 2191 RR0001



    Marketing & Fundraising 


Where your money goes

87% Programs and Emergency Aid

The vast majority of donations are sent directly to our partners to help families out of extreme poverty and to aid in times of disaster. 

3% Administration

Pays for rent, internet, and various other services which enables the work we do. Administration costs also covers our donor database and security to ensure that your information remains secure.

10% Marketing & Fundraising

Our supporters are an important part of who we are and what we do. Honouring and building these relationships is a priority. By investing in fundraising, we are able to raise more money to help lift more people out of extreme poverty.

Every dollar entrusted to us:

Mobilizes churches

We’re excited to see churches start to understand the potential God has placed in them to address poverty and injustice and become powerful agents of change in their local community. 

Transforms communities

Your donation works through local churches to make sure transformation takes place in the very heart of the community. Through Tearfund, you are helping communities build resilience to shocks and stresses, work for peace and unity, and build better futures for themselves and others.

Meets emergency needs

When disaster strikes, we respond swiftly. Your donations will help affected communities for the long term, working through local churches and partners to help people become resilient and thrive. 

Creates societal change

We call on people in positions of power and influence to ensure that their policies bring positive change for vulnerable communities, including those that are hardest to reach. We equip and empower communities to speak out and stand with them in holding governments accountable and lobbying them to address structural inequalities and injustices.

Tearfund Canada (previously World Relief) subscribes to the Seal of Financial Accountability as a certified member of the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities (CCCC). This seal is subject to their requirements and recommendations according to their annual review.

Spending of funds is confined to Board-approved programs and projects. Each contribution directed towards an approved program will be used as restricted with the understanding that when the need for such a program has been met or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the Board, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where needed most. 

CRA charitable registration # 10822 2191 RR0001 

CHS Alliance

Tearfund Canada became a full member of Core Humanitarian Standards Alliance in 2020 supporting quality and accountability for people affected by crisis.

Yearly Financial Statements

Become an Outpour Partner

Join a community of devoted monthly donors who are passionate about helping end the cycle of poverty through God’s love. 

Monthly giving is the most powerful way to have a year-round impact on the lives of moms and families in the world’s poorest places. Your monthly contribution of $50 helps release one family from the grips of extreme poverty each year and strengthens the local church to transform their entire community. 

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Register for Tearfund's Monthly Prayer Meet-up

Takes place on Zoom, on the third Thursday of each month at 8:00 pm (EST)

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