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Field Stories

We praise and thank God for the many stories of families and communities who are freed from poverty thanks to your generous support and our local partners. These are their stories.

Stories of Transformation

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Denge, a farmer from Ethiopia, lost everything due to severe drought caused by climate change. But thanks to Tearfund and its partners, Denge found hope through food distribution and regained his health. Now, we're working together to help farmers like Denge adapt and create resilient solutions in the face of the climate crisis.
Climate change has brought fierce droughts and torrential rains to South Sudan, making farming nearly impossible for families like David's. Tearfund steps in with emergency food aid and sustainable solutions, offering a glimmer of hope.
magine living with nothing but rice to eat every day. For Rami Paharin and her community, this was their reality until Tearfund’s partner EFICOR introduced kitchen gardens. With new gardening skills and seeds, Rami began growing a variety of vegetables, transforming her family's diet and her outlook on life. This change not only improved her nutrition but also restored her sense of control and dignity.
As a young widow in rural Kenya, Franscisca faced a bleak future after losing her husband and home. But with the introduction of Conservation Agriculture through her church, she found a way to rebuild her life and provide for her children. Thanks to the ongoing support of Tearfund’s partner, her story is one of hope and faith.
In the midst of escalating violence in Manipur, Teresa Mane Chand was forced to flee with her two children, leaving everything behind. As a single mother, life was already challenging, but the sudden conflict drove her to seek refuge in a relief camp. Through the compassionate support of Tearfund’s partner EFICOR, Teresa found not only food and shelter but renewed hope and faith.
The teachings of Jesus have come to life at Gununo Stadium Church in Ethiopia, where faith and service go hand in hand. Through Tearfund’s Church and Community Transformation training, the church has successfully addressed community needs, from health care to housing, and seen nearly 100 people come to Christ.
Emergency food relief from Tearfund was a lifeline for single mother Elizabeth in South Sudan, who, after her husband went missing, relied on their aid. This support not only provided immediate relief but also brought hope, helping Elizabeth see a brighter future despite her hardships.
Christine’s farm was failing, and her children's future seemed uncertain. But with the help of conservation agriculture and community support, she turned her land around, yielding 70-80% more than before and securing a brighter future for her family! She is now able to realize her dream and send her children to school.
With drive and compassion, Pastor Helen has transformed her community in Kiboko, Kenya. Through Tearfund’s Church-based Community Transformation program, she has built homes, implemented sustainable agriculture, and restored hope.
In a refugee camp, Kwaje struggles daily to feed his children, grappling with his role as a father when he can't provide. See how emergency relief not only renewed their family's food, but also their hope.
Traveling gives us new perspectives, and can cause us to wonder how we fit in to this global landscape. The good news is that God has called each of us to different and unique paths, as explored in this Impact Conference 2024 reflection!
Discover the touching story of Urman Nekere and her family, generations of farmers in Southern Ethiopia. Facing challenges of eroded, unproductive land on sloping hills, they turned to external aid due to chronic hunger.
Returning home to nothing, refugee David rebuilds his life and future with the help of Tearfund’s support in South Sudan, offering his family hope and the means to become self-reliant again.
When Sara discovered she was engaged to a much older man, she made a brave decision to flee. Supported by her church and Tearfund's Trauma Healing Program, Sara continues to trust God with her future, determined to pursue her education and find love on her own terms.
“We wouldn’t have survived without your support,” Am Salama Hamid tells us. Before the recent war in Sudan, Am Salama and her husband were farmers and owned a small restaurant in Fudain, East Darfur. Once war struck, they were suddenly on the run with nothing but their own children.
We couldn’t believe our eyes. So we had to pluck some corn for ourselves. What was once a desolate, dry wasteland now had thriving crops. For three years in a row, the rains in Borena, Ethiopia, had failed. Some women we spoke with said they travelled up to 10km, each day, to collect water. It was the worst drought in a generation. And with it, came severe hunger.

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