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Amaze Day 2024

"My wish? Anything to feed my children."

The need in South Sudan is dire.

Hundreds of families are returning home and realizing that there is nothing for them. They are stunned to see their homes, villages, and land in ruins. Extreme drought has made farming extremely difficult. The dire situation is made worse by a missing government, crumbling infrastructure, and soaring food prices. 

One out of every two children suffer from malnutrition.
Farmers have planted crops and are waiting for the new crop to come in – but that’s four months away. 

Moms like Atong have one prayer: food for their children.

At the height of the war in South Sudan, when the soldiers came in the middle of the night, Atong grabbed four of her children and fled south, praying for safety. She left five other children behind.

With hundreds of other families, she lived in a refugee camp, but there was no hope for a better life for her children. When she heard her village was peaceful, she decided to go home and rebuild her life. With no transportation, no money and no food the journey back took 9 months. She stopped in larger centres and took on small jobs to get enough money to buy food for her children.

We asked Atong what she prayed for. Holding her youngest child, she looked into our eyes and said:

“Anything to feed my children, that is my wish. Anything other than that would be secondary.”

Rush urgently needed food to families.

In partnership with Tearfund South Sudan, we will provide new seeds, fertilizer, tools and training for farmers. We will help moms plant kitchen gardens to provide fresh vegetables for their children.

But right now we need to provide food.

Your gift will rush urgently needed food to vulnerable families to help them survive the next four months. Your gift, whether $50 or $5,000, will make 5X the impact.

More than 7 million people are in crisis. It’s overwhelming. But we can start right now, right here with feeding one family, helping them get back on their feet. We can make sure Atong gets her wish –there will be food for her children.


On June 18, your gift will have 5X the impact! Every $1 you give, $5 will help feed a family in need.

Thanks to our incredible partnership with Canadian Foodgrains Bank and other generous donors, your donation will be leveraged $4 to $1. That means for every dollar you donate on Amaze Day, 5 dollars will go to help families in need!

  • $500 $100 helps feed a family of 5 for 2 months
  • $1000 $200 helps feed a family of 5 for 4 months
  • $2000 $400 helps feed 2 families of 5 for 4 months
Amaze Day 2022_Coin Diagram2

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