In November, world leaders will gather in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt for COP27.
COP, which stands for Conference of the Parties, is the primary moment for the world to gather and talk about climate change each year. The ‘Parties’ are the governments which have signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol or the Paris Agreement. This is their 27th meeting, thus COP27.
The aim is to review progress towards the overall goal of the UNFCCC: to limit climate change.
COP is hosted by a different government every year. Because COP27 is being held in an African country, it will focus on policy issues affecting the continent and provide opportunities for African voices to be amplified. African countries’ exposure to some of the most severe impacts of a changing climate will be front and centre of the discussions.
The costs of climate change are being pushed onto the communities that did the least to cause it and have the fewest resources to respond to it.
Half of the world’s population is already highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, and they are disproportionately people living in poverty in low-income countries. These countries are being forced to divert money away from essential public services, such as healthcare and schooling, to mitigate, adapt and protect themselves against climate impacts.
“I have had so many problems,” Nigist, a farmer in Ethiopia, tells us. “The main one was not having enough food to eat because the farmland couldn’t grow what we had sown, so my family suffered a lot with hunger and disease.” She had animals, but they died due to drought. “My oxen, cows, goats… I lost them all. I had no options anywhere, except to believe that God has a way.”
As Christians, we are called to “Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and oppressed” (Psalm 82:3), and to “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way [we] will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).
We have the opportunity and the responsibility to come alongside our brothers and sisters who are being impacted by climate change.
Tearfund Canada is a member of Renew Our World, a global movement of Christians praying, living and campaigning to make the world fair and sustainable.
There have been many promises made over the last several COPs, and it’s critical that they are turned into reality for the benefit of these communities. Renew Our World is asking four things of governments at COP27:
- Deliver the promised $100 billion annually to climate-vulnerable nations, including 50% for adaptation.
- Strengthen transparency and accountability for climate finance.
- Invest in good green jobs for youth.
- Helping refugees caused by climate change by giving them access to healthcare, work, education, and paths towards permanent citizenship
Learn more about each of these here.
We can all play a part in responding to the changing climate by putting our faith into action. Consider one of the following ways of getting involved.
Access resources on climate change, a biblical response, reports, and more to learn more about climate change and poverty. Learn more about COP27 and follow the process on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook
Check out our Pray for All the Earth Prayer Guide. To join our prayer list, you can sign-up at
Invite a speaker to your church or small group.
Support people like Nigist in adapting to a changing climate with improved farming practices and community savings groups. Consider makin a gift to our climate adaptation fund.