The Sixteen-year-old Serial Entrepreneur
Most people can’t say they owned 3 successful businesses by the time they were 16, but that is exactly what Amos Machaka has done. When he was 13, Amos had to drop out of school after his family was unable to pay his school fees. Determined not to let his little brother succumb to the same fate he decided he would start a business to help with the fees. “I felt responsible for my family, that is what led me to start my first business”, he explained. Amos’ first business was selling charcoal. On his 15th birthday, Amos was invited to join a village
savings and loan group at his local church. He was disciplined in his savings and soon after took out a loan to purchase 5 second hand bicycles for his second business venture. “Walking into town takes too long, and taxis are expensive, so many people use bicycles to go sell their goods at the market” said Amos.
To an outsider the bicycles were old, partially rusted, and had uncomfortable seats. But Amos recognized the demand and redemptive potential these bicycles had to not only provide him with an income, but also to help his community. The pay-off made the purchase worth the risk, and Amos bought 10 more bicycles for his rental business. At age 16 he had an idea for a new business initiative. Like many teenagers Amos enjoyed listening to music and was fascinated by films. This time his business was more risky as it centred around the notion of supplying entertainment rather than meeting a need. Before Amos had noticed a demand in the market and sought to fill it, but this time he noticed a gap in the market that did not yet have much of a demand in his village.
Taking up the challenge Amos took a loan from his savings group to purchase a computer that he could download and burn music on CDs to sell. He charged 200 Tanzanian shillings per song and the business is thriving! Recently, Amos has invested in a TV to host movies and sports nights in which he charges 200 shillings per person to attend. His community loves coming together and watching different things, “it brings us closer, and allows us to laugh together for a few hours,” says a man from the village.