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Volunteer With Tearfund

Do you want to use your God-given skills and abilities to advance his Kingdom and help families escape physical, emotional, and spiritual poverty?

Then consider volunteering with Tearfund!

We are always looking for passionate men and women from all backgrounds to join our mission of ending extreme poverty in the name of Jesus.

Use the gifts God gave you

God has given you incredible passions and talents that can be used to build His Kingdom! Whether it is accounting, speaking, painting or more, we can try to find a way for you to help. We look for people from a broad range of backgrounds, experiences, and interests to contribute their skills.

Volunteer a little... or a lot

Volunteers are flexible, and specifics are discussed between you and the manager of the department in which you volunteer. We do require that you commit to volunteering a minimum amount of hours per month in order to provide everyone with a good experience. Most volunteer positions are flexible, and you can choose which days and hours you come in. However, we do encourage consistency in order to help our managers plan your work and assignments efficiently.

Grow your faith

As a group of passionate Christians, we see every part of our work as worship. During your volunteering you may be involved in weekly devotionals and regular prayer. We hope your faith will grow as you see and interact with our church partners around the world. You will be challenged to see normal functions as ministry in your volunteer position.

How to Apply

Volunteer positions are competitive and go through a formal application process.

Read through the volunteer positions and apply as indicated. If there are no opportunities, or none that you feel are suitable for you, you can submit a general application to hr@tearfund.ca.

Once we receive your volunteer application, our team will review your application and reach out to you to learn more about what you’re looking for and explore ways you can help.

If after the initial discussion both you and Tearfund feel as if there is a great position for you, a formal interview will be conducted to learn more about your experience, skills, and motivations.

During the process you may be asked to show prior examples of your work, especially in positions such as writer and videographer. Depending on the role and level of competition, you may also be asked to complete a short assignment.

Congratulations, you are now a Tearfund volunteer! You will work with the manager of your department to confirm your schedule and assignments.

Frequently Asked Questions
Does Tearfund offer internships or co-ops?

Yes, please click here to visit our internship page.

What time of year does Tearfund recruit volunteers?

We look for volunteers throughout the year.

How will I know if I was selected?

Volunteer applications are usually viewed one or two times a month. All potential volunteers will be contacted and have an initial discussion. You will know whether or not you’ve been accepted to volunteer shortly after.

Can I apply for more than one role?

Yes, we encourage you to apply for any and all roles you are interested in and can contribute to.

What do volunteers do?

The majority of our internships are related to our marketing and fundraising functions, although we do have some administration and finance positions as well. Volunteers help in many areas such as writing donor cards, making phone calls, assisting with mailings, writing stories/articles, managing social media, or even more advanced functions such as strategic planning. It all depends on the skills you have and the positions we can offer.

Can volunteers transition to full-time positions?

Volunteers should not assume that they will be hired. Hiring depends on current needs and budgets as well as how many applications we receive. However, volunteering may give you an edge if you were to apply for a paid position, as we will already be familiar with your alignment in the organization and your skills and abilities.

What are the basic eligibility requirements to apply for an volunteer position?

Volunteers must be humble and willing to learn, passionate about Tearfund’s mission, and aligned with its foundational beliefs.

What backgrounds do volunteers come from?

All backgrounds. We are looking for a wide variety of skills, talents, and experience.

Does Tearfund offer overseas volunteering?

It depends. Tearfund does not offer short-term “voluntourism” trips where a group will typically build a school or run a short-term program. We are focused on building up local capacity, and working with nationals is one our core foundations. We have had volunteers in the past go abroad for the purpose of knowledge transfer and skill building, i.e. accountants who teach office staff. These trips are paid by the volunteer.

We also offer Discovery Trips, which are learning experiences. More information can be found here.

Does Tearfund pay volunteers?

No, we do not pay volunteers. Some volunteers do get a small stipend to help with transportation, internet, or lunch costs.

How long do I have to volunteer?

We expect volunteers to commit a minimum amount of hours over a specified period to make the experience as positive as possible for all parties. Exact details will be discussed during the initial interest call.

Do I need to be at the office full time?

That depends. Many volunteer positions can be done remotely, such as writing or digital marketing. Others, like finance positions, are usually done on-site.

Does Tearfund help with transportation costs?

Occasionally Tearfund will provide volunteers with a stipend for transportation costs. If this is a concern, please let us know if your initial discussion interview.

Is equipment provided?

You are expected to have your own computer and equipment. We will provide volunteers with specialized equipment or software such as Adobe Suite if needed.

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Register for Tearfund's Monthly Prayer Meet-up

Takes place on Zoom, on the third Thursday of each month at 8:00 pm (EST)

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