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Part 4: Understanding Poverty

How do we help tackle poverty?


Our specific contribution. Tearfund’s calling is to follow Jesus where the need is greatest, and our expertise is in international development, humanitarian aid and advocacy. We also see part of our role as enabling the church to live out its calling to help release people from poverty, regardless of their faith or background. So we put the church at the centre of all we do, working through local churches wherever possible.


In order to achieve this vision we want to see:

Churches mobilized: The church is envisioned, empowered and equipped to play its part in transforming the poorest communities and changing society.

Communities transformed: The poorest communities are resilient to shocks and stresses, working for peace and unity, and contributing to better futures for themselves and others.

Emergency needs met: Immediate needs are met when crises and natural disasters hit and community structures and mechanisms are affected.

Society changed: Social, political, economic and environmental systems and policies work for the poorest communities, ensuring access to basic needs, reduced inequality and sustainable growth. 

The way we work






Tearfunds approach

Acknowledgements: Adapted from Tearfund UK’s booklet “Understanding Poverty” by Anna Ling and Hannah Swithinbank

You can impact a family’s life by bringing an end to poverty

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