To answer this question the first thing we have to do is define what poverty is.
Poverty is understood differently by different people. For the economically wealthy – such as people in Canada – poverty revolves around financial wealth. In other parts of the world, especially among the less fortunate, poverty is often defined by joy, respect, and being heard. But since most of those who ask us this question come from Canada, we will mainly focus on economic poverty.
The good news is that economically, poverty has been decreasing significantly over the past few decades! According to the International Poverty Line, people are considered to be in extreme poverty if they live on less than $1.90 USD per day.
In addition, the percent of people living in extreme poverty has declined significantly over the last 3 decades. In 1990, the percent of people living in poverty was about 37%. Today, that number is closer to 10%! Praise God.
This is due to a number of factors including the industrialization of China, India and other countries. But it is also thanks to the many efforts of people like you who have faithfully given to aid and development organizations over many years. Your generosity is making a difference!