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The Difference of Training

Training that can save communities, families and individuals

Old methods just would not work any longer

“Only those who took the training survived the climate effects,” Bizunesh tells us.

In Sodo, Ethiopia, Bizunesh Mandedo makes her living as a farmer. Years ago, she grew enough food for her family and sold the rest for savings. But as global temperatures rise and rainfalls become more erratic, farmers like her struggle to grow a fraction of what they used to. Conventional agricultural methods don’t work as before.

“The big problem for us as a community is the climatic changes. It is getting warmer and warmer to the extent of affecting the lives of our cattle – our cattle are dying. The crops on the farm are also being affected.”

By 2030, more than 100 million people could fall back into extreme poverty due to the effects of climate change. This means that the decades we’ve spent helping lift people from poverty could be undone. 

But amid a desperate situation, the local church is stepping up to act and support in a case where change is needed quickly.

In partnership with Tearfund, Bizunesh’s church started offering workshops on sustainable agricultural methods. She quickly signed up. In the farming workshop, Bizunesh learned how to preserve moisture in her soil and to grow various crops (like beans and corn) in a tiny plot of land. The results were incredible! These new farming methods were keeping her yields alive during intense drought conditions.

But that’s not all. Not everyone can adapt, so the church also is reaching out to those in the community who are in great need, as Bizunesh explains:

In harvesting season, they will share with those in need. This includes both members of the church and those who are not members. If there are people in need, there is a committee that discusses and makes decisions on it. Then, people’s needs will be met; they will be supported with finances or materials as per their needs. We know of many people whose lives have changed. Those who were once homeless have homes now.

Churches across Ethiopia and worldwide are stepping up, acting as the hands and feet of Jesus in their communities. They are equipping poor farmers like Bizunesh with skills to help mitigate the effects of a changing climate. Members of churches are reaching out to people trapped in extreme poverty, bringing real change and demonstrating the power of the gospel.

Because of donors like you, we can partner with local churches to help them reach out and help people lift themselves from poverty. You’re helping us mitigate the devastating effects of climate change in vulnerable communities like Sodo, Ethiopia.

Families are fed, the poor are given dignity and hope, and the church shines in the darkness.

With your support, families and people can get live saving training just like Bizunesh received.

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