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A New Opportunity

Mr. Mbuvi Kimanza is a subsistence farmer, husband, and a father of five children. He recounts his life, sharing “Life was not easy three years ago when I joined the Kyambusia group and started saving… This project has changed our life completely.”

With the small savings and loans he took in the first cycle, Mbuvi paid for food and his children’s school fees. Despite the challenges facing him, he had a dream and farming plan that he was determined to accomplish.

The first group share out was when his plan began to take shape. Mbuvi was able to purchase a small generator and water pipes to start an irrigation farming project. He dug a shallow well by the riverbank on a small plot and began growing vegetables. After a successful harvest and high local demand for vegetables, he managed to make good returns! He had not only enough food for his family, but was also able to sell the surplus and use the income to pay for his family’s needs and save more within the group.

Over the subsequent years, Mbuvi managed to initiate income generating activity (IGA) with water selling and supply business from the proceeds of his agribusiness venture and with support of group loans. He invested locally by purchasing a plot of land at the nearby market, and his customer base is local households and market centre.

His wife, Mary, is the group box keeper. The group meetings are held at their homestead every Thursday, and she has been saving with Mbuvi. Through small loans, Mary also managed to start a small-scale poultry keeping IGA. This has enabled her to improve the family nutrition and earn extra income from the sale of eggs and chickens, increasing their household income and assets.

Mbuvi aspires to expand to commercial farming of fruits and vegetables such as mangoes, watermelon, and onions. He also hopes to extend water pipes to the nearby market and put up a water selling point, and eventually develop the plot of land he bought last year.

He is grateful for the opportunities given to his village through Fadhili and its partners.

You can impact a family’s life by bringing an end to poverty

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