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Clinging to her baby boy, she fled for her life

After losing her husband and entire family to horrible violence, life-saving food assistance let her breathe again

As tears stream down Yeshiwork’s face, she can hardly speak of what happened to her family the day war broke out in Northern Ethiopia.

Alongside her husband, newborn baby, and extended family, Yeshiwork Ayalew lived a modest life. She had those she cared about around her and was comfortable amongst the people and community she lived in. But one Saturday morning, everything changed. Armed forces invaded her community, and she lost everything.

It has been over 2 years since the unrest in the Northern parts of Ethiopia began, and it continues to be a dangerous and unpredictable situation. For those who escaped the violence, they face one of the most severe hunger crises in recent times.

For Yeshiwork, she was able to escape, but now suffers from loss of food and threat of war. Tragically, Yeshiwork lost more than stability and resources: her family was not able to evade the conflict. She lost her husband, along with 12 other family members.

Yeshiwork and her baby son survived and fled from Tigray to the Amhara region, about 200 kilometres away. Thankfully, because of donors like you, Yeshiwork received emergency assistance at a camp with others who had been displaced.

Thanks to your faithful gifts, Tearfund’s local church partner, the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church Development Commission (EKHCDC), was able to provide emergency relief to the camp. Emergency shelter, food, safe and clean drinking water, health services, and hygiene kits for women are some of the ways the church has been able to care for weary, traumatized travellers.

Yeshiwork said, “I have lost everything. I would have gone out begging or selling my body for money, but thanks to EKHCDC and Tearfund for providing us with life-saving food assistance. May God bless you.”

Yeshiwork has lived through the unimaginable, but she, and other women like her, are resilient. Donors like you are helping people like her reach safety, gain needed resources and find hope again.

With your support Tearfund continues to assist and care for those who have faced violence

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