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A Widowed Farmer's Hope

Because of you, Batale has hope, and dreams for the future

“This is our future,” says Batale Beyene, a 48-year-old, empowered farmer who today, has the tools she needs to feed her family.

Batale lives in the Zala Woreda region of Southern Ethiopia, where the majority of the population suffers from chronic hunger. Batale was one of them. She says, “I am poor. My small plot of land is not productive.”


Here, 97% of the population relies on rain-fed agriculture for their livelihood. With worsening environmental degradation, deforestation, and recurring drought, earning a living is a constant struggle. Using traditional farming methods, Batale recounts, “Year after year I was not able to feed my family.”


Together with Canadian Foodgrains Bank, your support has allowed us to partner with the local church to make a change in the lives of farmers like Batale. Although both men and women are able to own land, women statistically own much less. Batale, among others in her community, is a widow with children to feed. So, making the most of every square metre of land is crucial.


Batale started with a small section of her land, and began applying the techniques she had learned at church. Planting in a row, spacing, and mulching were methods she had never utilised before… At first, it was hard work, but then the crops started to grow!

When comparing the maize she planted, at the end of the harvest Batale not only had more, but she also had larger kernels at a higher quality. Her kids even liked the taste better!

Thanks to your contributions, Tearfund Canada has been able to partner with the local church to ensure the proper training and experience needed for success. Kiyirembera saw amazing results when she changed up her old habits! For her, the new methods led to increased fruits and vegetables, which meant she had more to sell at the market. More income at the market meant her family could begin saving to build a new house!

Kawwere Lusenge, another 70 year old widow also testified the benefit of the training as she learned to plant native species that thrive in her environment. She uses her plentiful trees as firewood, but is always planting more to ensure they are sustainable.

Muhindo Mukalangirwa Leonard learned that with 100% mulching, a farming technique he learned at church, his potato and banana field, which previously struggled, was now thriving! He explains,  “We can learn and change our life at any age.”

Because of donors like you, farmers in the DRC are learning it’s never too late to transform your life. Kiyirembera concluded with a smile, “The training has changed my life. Thank you, and may God bless you and those who sent you here.”

You can support people like Batale and give families a future without hunger and extreme poverty.

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