At only twenty-four years old, Masika has already seen more hardship than most. She lives with her husband and four children in the province of North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Here, 75% of families survive on one meal a day and 68% of children are chronically malnourished. But through savings groups, donors like you are helping Masika change her future.
The groups are incredibly popular. Our original goal was to organize seventy savings groups last year in the area, but families were so eager for savings that one hundred and thirty groups were formed! Masika heard about the group through a friend who had her own life transformed.
“In the group we learn how to save money, how to grow crops efficiently, and how to breed and raise small livestock. At the end of this year we plan to buy a goat with our savings. And after that, we will buy a plot of land where we can live,” she tells us.
Thanks to your donations, over the last three years 6,500 households in North Kivu have been changed by these simple, cost effective groups.
“Thanks to the group, my children are able to study without any problems. I ask God to bless the people who started these groups, because it helps us a lot.”
The solution to poverty is spiritual as much as it is physical. Instead of offering handouts, you will be partnering with local churches to permanently lift families out of poverty. Will you join us?
Tearfund Canada
340 Ferrier Street
Suite 202
Markham, ON
L3R 2Z5
t: 1-800-567-8190
Charity Number: 108222191 RR 0001
Takes place on Zoom, on the third Thursday of each month at 8:00 pm (EST)