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A Long Journey

She carried no clothes, no food, and no money. Nothing but her baby in her arms. Abrlhet* is one of millions that had fled the escalating violence between the Ethiopian Army and Tigray Defense Forces.

She tells our team that armed forces used their machine guns to kill the people in her village. Among them was her entire family. Her husband, other children, and siblings. 

As the war in Ethiopia rages on, donors like you are providing urgently needed food and hope to over 9,000 vulnerable people. The biggest need is food. We found as many as seventy-one people living in one room, only eating once a day. Starvation is being used as a weapon of war. The UN estimates that five million are in desperate hunger, while four hundred thousand are in famine. 

With frequently blocked roads and bridges, getting the food to where it needs to be is challenging. But thanks to the resilience and adaptability of our local church partner, we have been able to provide hungry families with a lifeline. Families like Abrlhet’s.

As Abrlhet entered the camp she was greeted by partner staff and enrolled into a food assistance program based in the church. She tells us that she has been fed three times a day and been given a supplement called Famix, helping her produce healthier milk for her baby. Her baby is now gaining weight. Thank you so much. Donors like you have provided 202 metric tons of food to 9,000 vulnerable families. 

The impact of the conflict is devastating, but we will not look away. We will travel with the people of Ethiopia for as long as it takes. 


You can help transform the lives of families who are living in extreme poverty

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