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The future of food

Food is a precious gift, generously given to us by God, and one that is so often at the heart of our fellowship. As we come together to share a meal with family and friends, we are nourished in body and spirit, giving thanks for the abundant provision of God.

Between 1990 and 2015, our global community achieved something extraordinary. With collective ambition and a whole range of coordinated initiatives, we reduced the prevalence of hunger in developing regions by nearly half.

Then, in 2015, when the global community agreed upon the next set of global development goals, we set ourselves the target of ending hunger entirely by 2030.

When we achieve this goal, it will mean that all people – everywhere – have secure and reliable access to enough good-quality food to live a healthy life.

You can impact a family’s life by bringing an end to poverty

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Register for Tearfund's Monthly Prayer Meet-up

Takes place on Zoom, on the third Thursday of each month at 8:00 pm (EST)

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