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Your Questions!

What are some fundraising ideas for children?

Fundraising is a great way to empower children from a young age to understand and be involved with supporting major issues around the world. Many people like the idea of helping with Tearfund and seeing people freed from poverty, but rarely know where to start, especially with children. Here are some ways you can encourage your children to be part of Tearfund’s vision:

1. Share field stories from around the world

We have a library of stories, including some videos, talking about the global church. Read or watch one during a Sunday school lesson, a family devotional, or even dinner time. Start a conversation on why and how you can be involved in helping others experience freedom from poverty. 

Love Letter

2. Snail Mail

Everyone loves receiving a good old-fashioned letter in the mail. Write letters or draw pictures to send to family and friends. Share the stories you read and ask them to partner with you in the work Tearfund is doing around the world. 

3. Turn hobbies into fundraising activities

Most kids are good at having fun and finding unique things to do. Find ways to use current hobbies and interests to turn into a fundraiser. Here are some ideas:

  • Paint Christmas ornaments to sell
  • Commit to a physical challenge (biking/running 100km, or even doing 10,000 push-ups by the end of the summer!) and get people to sponsor you
  • Host a tournament (sport, video game, board game) where people pay a fee to play
  • Bake something and sell it to your friends, family, and neighbours
  • Put on a talent show (online or in-person). You could do it with a Sunday school class, family, or even neighbourhood kids!
Children Baking

4. Create a teaching moment

Use this as an opportunity to show your kids how to set aside money for charity and savings.

  1. Go to the dollar store and purchase three jars or containers, and label them “charity,” “savings,” and “spending.”
  2. Give your kids a weekly allowance (ex. $1). At the end of each week, have them put at least 10% into charity, 10% into savings, and the rest into spending. 
  3. Set an end date (ex. end of the summer), where they will give the money in their charity box to Tearfund.

There are many ways that children can be involved with fundraising to support Tearfund. Let us know what other ways you have used to fundraise with children! You can send your donations to:

PO Box 3220, Stn Industrial Park
Markham, ON, L3R 9Z9

Or donate online here.

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