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Thank you for signing-up for our 2023 Lent Devotional – Open! You should receive a confirmation email with your free pdf or welcome email shortly!

But before you go, would you please consider donating to our emergency response in Syria?

On Feb 6, two massive earthquakes devasted areas in Southern Türkiye and Northern Syria. 

Within a matter of minutes entire city blocks were obliterated. Vital infrastructure has been destroyed: roads, schools, hospitals, electrical grids, and water and sewage systems.

Hundreds of people are trapped within the rubble, slowly being crushed under the weight of the concrete. Fighting for their lives. Their loved ones wait with overwhelming anxiety. Their homes destroyed they pray for a miracle.

Will you help them today?

Our church partners we are already responding—providing emergency food, water, and other essentials to families in need.

There is no time to waste. 

Winter weather conditions are already complicating the response efforts and making the situation of those trapped in the rubble critical. Forecasts predict snow and rain and low temperature coming within days.

Your gift today will help us provide emergency food, water, and other essentials to vulnerable families in Syria and will shine the love of Jesus.

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Register for Tearfund's Monthly Prayer Meet-up

Takes place on Zoom, on the third Thursday of each month at 8:00 pm (EST)

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