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Giving Tuesday Appeal

Help Feed Hungry Families

On Giving Tuesday, your gift makes 5X the impact!

The situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo is URGENT

The DR Congo remains one of the poorest countries in the world. Hunger is pervasive. Many families are able to eat only one meal a day. Children work alongside their parents to make ends meet. Hunger exhausts them. Their growth is stunted by severe malnourishment. 

To add to the plight are the rebels–who torment the lives of ordinary families. There are over 120 militia groups in the Eastern DRC. More than one million people have fled the fighting linked to the resurgence of the M23 in North Kivu. Those who stay are constantly on guard. 

Following Jesus where the need is greatest – we are there. Working with the Baptist Church of Central Africa to bring help families grow more food and bring light of Christ to this difficult region. Through saving groups and training in conservation agriculture, you can help families slowly taking step out of extreme poverty.

“I used to go and work in the fields every day but all I could get was barely enough to eat. But since I took part in the program by the local church I have been able to buy a sewing machine. Now, thanks to working as a seamstress I earch enough money to save.

At the end of this year, I plan to buy a goat with my savings. In the future, I plan to expand my goat breeding and, after that, I will buy a plot of land where I will live with my family.” 

“I ask God to bless the people who started this program, because it helps us a lot.” 

– Masika, DRC

Help feed families and place them on a path out of extreme poverty.

This Giving Tuesday, your gift will be leveraged 5X to help families escape severe hunger.

Your gift is urgently needed to help families in 16 villages escape hunger and place them on a path out of poverty. 

Families will be trained in simple and effective farming practices that will help them grow 2X to 3X more food, establish new saving groups to help families grow their savings and take out loans to start new businesses, and support the local church to act as the catalyst for change within its community.

Your gift will...

Train farmers new techniques
Establish Saving Groups
Empower the Local Church

On Giving Tuesday you can make 5X the impact!

Thanks to our incredible partnership with Canadian Foodgrains Bank (and another generous partner), your donation will be stretched further! That means for every one dollar you donate FIVE dollars will go to help families in need!

  • $423 $85 helps feed 5 people! 
  • $846 $170 helps feed 10 people!
  • $2,115 $425 helps feed 25 people!
  • $4,230 $850 helps feed 50 people!

Register for Tearfund's Monthly Prayer Meet-up

Takes place on Zoom, on the third Thursday of each month at 8:00 pm (EST)

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