How a Changing Climate Hurts the Poor
Reshape your understanding of one of the world’s greatest threats today by downloading Tearfund’s new ebook: Life at the Margins.
In this ebook, you will hear directly from people living in poverty about how climate change impacts their daily lives. Divided into three sections, Life at the Margins explores climate change’s direct and indirect impacts on the poor and how you can help.
By downloading this free ebook, you will:
- Hear inspiring stories of change as you read real-life case studies of families affected by climate change.
- Ignite your passion for advocacy as you expand your knowledge and challenge your view of the status quo.
“To you, climate change may be seen as an inconvenience. If things get warmer, you simply turn up the air conditioner. But to us, and to many around the world, it is a matter of life and death.”

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