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For All the Earth - Report

New Survey Results Show Young Christians Urgently Want to Stand with the Church on Climate Change

Tearfund and A Rocha Canada conducted a survey geared towards young Christians about their beliefs surrounding creation care. We surveyed 742 young Christians and held focus groups with individuals across the country. View the key findings below.

Key Finding 1

An overwhelming majority of young Christians are worried about climate change and nature loss.

Over 90% of those surveyed say that they’re worried about climate change and nature loss, with 60% stating that they’re “quite” to “seriously” worried.

Key Finding 2

91% of Young Christians believe it is important to ACT NOW

Jesus taught us to love those less fortunate, but many young Christians in our country believe that the church is ignoring this message by not taking meaningful action.

“If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it.” – 1 Corinthians 12:26

Access the Full Report

Key Finding 3

Young Christians believe that Creation Care is an Essential Part of the Gospel

92% of young Christians surveyed believe that caring for creation is an essential act of discipleship and the Church’s mission.  In addition, 88% said they believe creation care is an essential aspect of the Gospel message.


Key Finding 4

Young Christians are eager for the church to take a lead, but admit it’s absent from the conversation

Young Canadian Christians are especially eager to connect their personal faith to creation care. They have a strong desire for the church to wield its influence and lead the way in engaging in climate action. 

But 1 in 5 admit that they feel the church is absent in how they respond to climate change and 1 in 3 say the church is not doing enough.

Key Finding 5

By engaging with climate concerns, churches can cultivate new ways to share the Gospel

Young Christians have an overwhelming desire for the church to do more on the topics of climate change and nature loss. They are looking for mentoring, action and spiritual guidance. More than that, they are looking for hope as they look towards the future. 

Young Christians hold a strong concern for creation and are compelling the church to take action.

Climate Survey Report - Download


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