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Help families in poverty adapt
to a changing climate.
As someone who is passionate about Jesus and caring for creation we invite you to help families adapt to a changing climate by becoming an Outpour Partner.
All around the world a changing climate is pushing millions of people into poverty. In places like Ethiopia it is causing rains to become unpredictable and erratic – destroying crops. In South Sudan it is causing flooding to become more extreme, destroying livelihoods, forcing migration, and fueling civil conflict.
As an Outpour Partner you will provide families living in poverty the tools and support they need to adapt to the effects of climate change. Every month your generosity will:
- Help farmers grow more food through training in climate-smart agriculture techniques and arid-resistant crops
- Provide communities with water access year-round by funding projects such as rainwater harvesting, reservoir development, and smart irrigation
- Empower churches in Africa and India to be catalysts of change by advocating for creation care, tree planting, and landscape restoration.
- Help provide emergency relief to families affected by climate related disasters
A portion of your donation will also help fund resources like this Bible Study, helping to equip individuals and churches with Biblically-based resources on Creation Care.
Donate Today
There’s no time to waste. Every week, a changing climate is pushing more families into poverty.
- $50/month helps 1 family per year
- $100/month helps 2 families per year
- $200/month helps 4 families per year