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You can help write more beautiful stories of transformation.

As someone who is passionate about seeing God work in the lives of the poor, we invite you to become an Outpour partner.

The stories you just downloaded simply wouldn’t be possible without supporters like you. Each story – each life transformed – involved a person just like yourself, deciding to use a bit of what they have been blessed with to bless others.

As an Outpour Partner, you will join a devoted group of monthly donors who are passionate about helping end the cycle of poverty through God’s love. Your outpour of generosity each month ensures:

  • A young mother struggling to feed her children receives training each month on new farming methods that enable her to grow two to three times more food. 
  • This same mom joins a local savings group where she is financially empowered. As her confidence grows, she takes a small loan to expand her farm, creating a path to long-term abundance.
  • Through Tearfund’s Church-Based Community Transformation training, she learns about Jesus and her value as a woman of God. The group also supports each other in times of distress.

A portion of your donation will also help fund resources like Vistas of Hope, helping to equip individuals and churches with a variety of Biblically-based resources.

Franscisca and her child working together to collect their harvest. A few years ago Franscisca was enrolled in farmer training and savings groups run by her local church. As an Outpour partner, your monthly gift will help more families like hers escape poverty for good.

Become an Outpour Partner Today

There’s no time to waste. With each day that passes, more and more families are being pushed into poverty. But YOU can help write a new story.

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Register for Tearfund's Monthly Prayer Meet-up

Takes place on Zoom, on the third Thursday of each month at 8:00 pm (EST)

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