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On Giving Tuesday, Your gift makes 5X the Impact!

Will you help feed mothers and children suffering from desperate hunger this Christmas?

Kabuo Nzanzu lives in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in a village called Maabwe. She is a mother to six beautiful children. As a farmer, she grows potatoes and vegetables for food and to make a living. But recently, crop disease and inflation have meant there isn’t enough food to go around. Her children are hungry. She often skips meals just to feed them.

The situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo is URGENT

Hunger is pervasive in the DR Congo. Many families are able to eat only one meal a day. Children work alongside their parents to make ends meet. Hunger exhausts them. Their growth is stunted by severe malnourishment. Families live in the midst of intense violence. There are over 120 militia groups in the Eastern DRC. More than one million people have fled the fighting linked to the resurgence of the M23 in North Kivu. Those who stay are constantly on guard. 

Following Jesus where the need is greatest – we are there. Working with the Baptist Church of Central Africa to bring help families grow more food and bring light of Christ to this difficult region. Will you help us?

You can help break the cycle of hunger

All gifts made on Giving Tuesday, November 28, will be leveraged 5X! That means for every ONE dollar you donate, FIVE will go to help families in need. 

Through Tearfund’s holistic, church-based programming, each dollar you donate will:

  • help feed mothers and children immediately by providing urgently needed food
  • help families grow more food by training them in new farming methods
  • help families grow their income through the establishment of savings groups and business training
  • empower the local church to reach out beyond its walls and meet the immense physical and spiritual needs around it

Every moment is critical.  Please donate today.

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Register for Tearfund's Monthly Prayer Meet-up

Takes place on Zoom, on the third Thursday of each month at 8:00 pm (EST)

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