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“A Blessing Has Come My Way”

Because of your support, Kambale can give his growing family the best possible start in life

At 24 years old, Kambale Siriwayo, married and father of two, still lived with his parents.

Having only gone to school until the third grade, farming was the only way he knew to earn a living. Earning enough to purchase his own house is a slow, uphill battle. For Kambale, it felt impossible.  


In the Democratic Republic of Congo, hunger and deadly conflict have plagued the land for years. Where Kambale’s family lives, the area used to be highly fertile, but with new plant diseases and poor farming techniques, farming is not the plentiful business it used to be. 


He and his wife share one son and one daughter together. Like any loving parents, the couple want their children to live better, more successful lives than they did, but this means setting them up for success early on. They needed to figure out how to best manage their earnings, but with no access to financial resources in their rural area, where could they learn?

Thanks to your generosity and faithful prayers, Kambale received simple financial management training through our local church partners. Alongside others in his community, him and his wife began saving small amounts of money throughout the year. 


Soon, Kambale had saved enough money to buy a small parcel of land, and through the village savings group, was able to obtain a loan to build a four-room house for his family. 


The savings group is appropriately named “Omuyisa Andoghere” which means, “a blessing has come my way.” Today, Kambale says, “My self-esteem is high, and my wife is happy!”


Not only has Kambale and his family moved out of his parent’s house, the whole family has benefited from the savings group. Kambale’s wife explains, “We never dreamed we could have achieved such an investment before the savings group.”


Because of your support, the couple can give their growing family the best possible start in life.

You can support people like Kambale and give families a future without hunger and extreme poverty.

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