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A Smile That Shines

Masika’s smile bursts through the colourful cloth as she tells us how the savings group changed her life.

“I used to go work in the field every day but all we could get was just enough to eat. Since I took part in the group, I have been able to buy a sewing machine,” she says. 

Masika Sivenfire, 24 years old and the mother of 4, poses for photograph as she holds up the material she is using to make a dress for a customer in her village Amini Yesu, Democratic Republic of Congo, on December 13 2021. Beneficiary of the loans in the AVEC group, Masika SIVENDIRE, bought a machine to create a secondary income generating activity to support her family.  She says, 'before, I used to go to the fields every day, but since I took part in the programme, I have been able to pay for a sewing machine and thanks to this profession of dressmaker that I practice, I manage to earn some money to make my weekly contributions to the group.' Tearfund Canada continues to support several training and outreach programmes, with the help of CBCA, in the Democratic Republic of Congo in order to assist vulnerable communities out of poverty.

At only twenty-four years old, Masika has already seen more hardship than most. She lives with her husband and four children in the province of North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Here, 75% of families survive on one meal a day and 68% of children are chronically malnourished. But through savings groups, donors like you are helping Masika change her future. 

The groups are incredibly popular. Our original goal was to organize seventy savings groups last year in the area, but families were so eager for savings that one hundred and thirty groups were formed! Masika heard about the group through a friend who had her own life transformed. 

“In the group we learn how to save money, how to grow crops efficiently, and how to breed and raise small livestock. At the end of this year we plan to buy a goat with our savings. And after that, we will buy a plot of land where we can live,” she tells us. 

Thanks to your donations, over the last three years 6,500 households in North Kivu have been changed by these simple, cost effective groups. 

“Thanks to the group, my children are able to study without any problems. I ask God to bless the people who started these groups, because it helps us a lot.”

You can help transform the lives of families who are living in extreme poverty

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