Burdened by the ongoing war in South Sudan, Adut’s hope was wearing out.
Adut’s husband was disabled from a gunshot, and the pressure of providing food for her family in such bleak times was constantly mounting.
After becoming the head of the household in the midst of conflict and famine, Adut sought a living by selling firewood and charcoal. She also offered her labour to wealthier members of the community, but her efforts were not enough. “I was only ever able to provide my family with one meal a day… and some days they went hungry.”
Tearfund’s food assistance program offered a glimmer of hope to her during this dark time.
After receiving seeds and tools, Adut now has access to her own harvest of vegetables and other crops to combat malnutrition and hunger in her family.
Her life has been changed, and she is forever grateful to Tearfund for reducing her burden.