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Do you sometimes feel as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders?

We live and work in a world that increasingly tells us to do more. If you only tried harder, worked longer, prepared more, then you will get what you desire and you will be happy. You will be complete.

But we know that isn’t true. Although there is nothing wrong with trying your best, the Scriptures teach us that we must learn to depend on Jesus. 

Less is More: 5 weeks of daily devotions is a must-have resource that explores what it means to rest in Jesus. Containing discussion points and space for reflection, each day focuses on a different passage of scripture that helps us realize that the more we trust in God, the more we realize that He is in control! 

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Register for Tearfund's Monthly Prayer Meet-up

Takes place on Zoom, on the third Thursday of each month at 8:00 pm (EST)

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