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You can impact a family’s life
by bringing an end to poverty

Join a generous group of monthly donors who are impacting lives by
meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the families living in extreme poverty.

The solution to poverty is more
than physical, it’s spiritual.

Most solutions to poverty focus on “handouts,” which do no more than continue the cycle of poverty for 200 million families worldwide.

That’s why Tearfund’s approach is different.
Instead of handouts, all our efforts are carried
through in conjuction with the local church in the
areas we serve to stop the cycle of poverty.

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People improved
their diet through
agricultural training


Were able to save for a
better future through
Village Savings & Loans


life-changing aid in
time of crisis

Received life-changing aid in time of crisis

With your help, through our Church-Based Community Transformation (CCT) model, more families are living out their God-given potential.

Why Tearfund?
Here’s why:

1. No Handouts

Our focus is not on handouts but rather teaching and training to help individuals identify and grow the assets and talents that God has already given them.

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2. Work with Local Churches

Mobilize and equip churches – in the very poorest places – to help people escape poverty and live transformed lives


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3. Local Partnerships

Doing things in community is part of God’s design. Instead of sending staff with expensive salaries overseas, our work is done through local church partners as much as possible. This not only reduces cost, but has also proven to be more effective and sustainable in lifting people out of poverty.

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Ending extreme poverty and transforming
lives by the Gospel, together.

The road to ending poverty is long and challenging.
There are many organizations working to tackle this injustice. However, handouts and quick relief programs fall short as long-term solutions.

The difference with Tearfund’s model is that we
work through local churches to empower people to
escape poverty using their own God-given 
resources and abilities. Through this, people learn that 
they are loved by God and have value.

What are you looking for today?

Register for Tearfund's Monthly Prayer Meet-up

Takes place on Zoom, on the third Thursday of each month at 8:00 pm (EST)

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