Gain instant access to a free video series about how helping the poor might actually be hurting—and what you can do to truly help.
Get the complete "When Helping Hurts" video series for free—and discover the eye-opening truth of how Christians can help the poor without causing harm.
Many Christians and churches have good intentions when it comes to helping people living in poverty.
But they can often cause more harm than good.
And sometimes that leaves the very people they’re trying to help in a worse situation than before.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
When Helping Hurts is a powerful video series full of eye-opening truths that help you understand the challenges of helping the poor.
Developed by Tearfund and The Chalmers Centre, this Biblically-based framework will help you avoid common pitfalls when it comes to alleviating poverty.
And it will challenge you to rethink everything you know about charity.
Through 6 engaging short videos, you’ll get insight into:
- Why traditional charity often falls short of actually helping people who need it most
- How to avoid creating dependency on charity, and instead help people use their own God-given skills and talents to build a better future
- How to identify when helping might be hurting, including how to recognize when your own efforts might be causing more harm than good
- The importance of focusing on relationships and working through local churches to achieve real change
- The key principles of effective helping, and when it’s most effective to focus on either relief, rehabilitation or development
If you care deeply about alleviating poverty without hurting the poor—and yourself—this video series is for you.
And right now, you’ll also get instant access to a free study guide so you can discuss the videos with your small group, Bible study or friends and family.